Inspired Quill is a non-profit, social enterprise.

Social enterprises are businesses that trade to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, or the environment. They make their money from selling goods and services in the open market, but they reinvest their profits back into the business or the local community.” – definition from Social Enterprise UK.

Sometimes we get frustrated that we can’t give back as much as we want to, but by golly we try! If you’d like more information, or have a suggestion about other ways we can make a positive change to our communities, we’d love to hear from you! Just head over to our Contact page and send us a note.

Our Current Projects

The 10% Pledge

Where we feel it’s a good fit, Inspired Quill pledge to give 10% of the total profits made from selected titles to a chosen charity. These pledges do not affect the royalties given to the author, or the overall purchase cost of the book; this is a donation given directly from Inspired Quill. The charities we currently work with, and their corresponding titles, are:

Suspended Books

For a lot of people, books are a luxury they simply can’t afford. We want to help change that through our Suspended Books program. This idea came from learning about an American practice, whereby a coffee shop customer can buy their latte, and ‘suspend’ one at the same time. That second latte is then given to someone in need – also known as ‘paying it forward’.

We’ve teamed up with Derbyshire LGBT+ in order to get books into the hands of folks who may otherwise not have access to diverse reading in a safe environment.

Here’s how it works:

Inspired Quill and Derbyshire LGBT+ logos on a wood-style background with the text 'Introducing Our New Charity Partnership: 10 Websites Sales Equals 1 Paperback Donation" written over it

We donate 1 paperback for every 10 books sold direct through the Inspired Quill website

As you can see, we’re keeping it simple for now. The 10 books do include ebooks, but we’ll only be donating paperbacks at this stage. At the end of the year, we’ll tally the amount of books sold through the IQ bookshop, print the books, and send them to Derbyshire LGBT+.

Our partnership with Derbyshire LGBT+ will also see us offering (free) Google Hangout sessions on writing or the publishing industry for anyone involved with the charity.

Mentoring and Teaching

Every year, we pledge to mentor at least one individual for a minimum of 20 hours across a range of publishing skills – from editing to marketing to discussions of the wider industry. Profits from our paid course, “Turning Casual Readers into Committed Fans Without Getting Overwhelmed“, are used for this scheme to provide additional materials and stipends where appropriate.

We’re in the process of developing a more strategic course which we hope will result in being able to mentor 3-6 individuals per year.

© Inspired Quill 2023 | Website by Big Red Web Design

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